Reverse Respiration was an advanced scientific experiment that took place over 6 months during the peak of the pandemic. Reverse Respiration was the first of a series of scientific tests and designs to circumvent the common usage of poisons and toxins that pollute the environment and stress or kill our beloved aquatic animals.
This website is dedicated to new, inventive ideas and solutions for old problems in fishkeeping. In the months to come, please return to read articles and proofs on dechlorinators and ammonia, emergent plants and their alleged toxicity, inexpensive aquarium chilling and oxidation techniques, and many new, inexpensive and inventive methods to solve common aquarium issues.
Reverse Respiration, being just CO2 and water, cannot harm plants of course but it can accelerate necrosis or 'melt' and a dying plant that appears healthy, and as such, may see accelerated decay. In almost all cases, such situations are NOT fatal and the plant should still be installed. In fact, usually this is followed by accelerated growth.
Seltzer water should NEVER be poured directly into the aquarium. It has a very low pH and a very high CO2 content and as such, is not safe for fish. Nor should a plant be in seltzer with the top sealed, as the pressure of carbonation may kill it. Fortunately, it takes just hours for the CO2 to bubble off, leaving only pure water. Please follow the instructions and you’ll be rewarded with growing, healthy plants free of disease and parasites and no residue to worry about.
Although we have a preliminary US patent, the information is free and anyone who cares to try Reverse Respiration may do so. As it is a free, published scientific experiment and not a product or an endorsement, we can assume no responsibility or liability. By trying Reverse Respiration, you agree to these terms. However please feel free to write us with any questions and we’ll try to help if we can.